Prospective Providers
Children’s Network of Hillsborough, LLC (CNHC) takes great pride in providing our children and families with access to the best services possible, working with business partners that go above and beyond while providing exceptional customer care and quality-driven services. Companies and organizations providing services to CNHC and our clients must align with our Mission, Vision, and Values. Providers should also demonstrate the following:
- A commitment to the service values of RESPECT: responsive, empowered, supportive, professional, engaged, courteous, and trustworthy.
- A commitment to providing services that are child-focused, family-centered, youth-guided, strength-based, culturally and linguistically competent, trauma-informed, and community-based.
“Small business and minority and/or women-owned businesses are encouraged to apply. CNHC does not discriminate against a potential provider or proposal for service on the basis of race, creed, sex, religious orientation, or other affiliation.”
Providers can engage with CNHC and our case management organizations by applying to become a member of our provider network or by responding to a competitive solicitation.
Competitive Solicitations
Open Requests for Proposals and Invitations to Negotiate are listed below. Successful respondents will work with Children’s Network of Hillsborough, LLC (CNHC) to execute a contract for the agreed-upon activity. In making selections, CNHC shall follow a philosophy of fair, practical, open, and free competition to meet the best interests of the organization and the clients to be served.
ITN2022-01 — Case Management Services for Circuit 13
The purpose of this Invitation to Negotiate is to contract with one additional agency to provide Case Management services in Circuit 13. The geographical area encompasses Hillsborough County. CNHC seeks providers with expertise in the delivery of child welfare services who are accredited and have demonstrated an ability to improve outcomes for the children and families they have served.