
Nicholas is an energetic, funny, and outgoing young man with a curiosity that knows no bounds.  Here’s a glimpse into his vibrant personality and interests:

  • Collecting Pokémon cards: Nicholas enjoys the thrill of collecting Pokémon cards, diving into the world of these fascinating creatures.
  • Drawing: He has a natural gift for drawing, expressing his creativity through art.
  • Dog lover: Nicholas has a deep affection for dogs, particularly Pugs and Huskies, finding joy in their loyal companionship.
  • Sociable: He is very sociable and loves engaging in meaningful conversations with people on a wide range of topics.

Nicholas is known for his kindhearted nature and generosity.  He dreams of using his future wealth to help build homes for those in need, reflecting his compassionate spirit and desire to give back to the poor.

He is seeking a “Forever Family” that is loving, kind, funny, and active qualities that resonate with his own lively and caring personality.