CNHC Receives Backpacks For Youth From Comfort Cases

Children’s Network received filled backpacks for children and teens through our partnership with Comfort Cases. In 2013, Rob and Reese Scheer set out to eliminate trash bags in the foster care system and provide children entering the Child Welfare System with new essential and comfort items, thereby creating Comfort Cases.

Meeting Rob Scheer at the backpack-filling party on August 1st in Hillsborough was an honor.  Through his partnerships with Closet Factory and Simply Health, over 500 backpacks were filled by volunteers at the event.   Thank you, Comfort Cases, Closet Factory, Simply Health, and the volunteers of these organizations who helped make this event possible.

We are fortunate to have these fantastic organizations work together in unity and with a shared purpose to comfort children and teens in care. Your collective efforts have made a significant impact, and we are proud to be part of this unified mission.

Comfort Cases
Comfort Cases
Comfort Cases